Outdoor Blinds: Need to know before you buy

October 21st, 2015 · Published to Outdoor Blinds

In Australia, perhaps nothing is more precious than the outdoors. Nobody likes to be held up in a room missing the morning sun or the evening the afternoon breeze. However, despite the beautiful scenery, the outdoors can be harsh at times. The sun and wind can not only bring increase the temperature inside a home, but also force dust into cracks and spaces you didn’t know existed. Fortunately, there’s a solution – outdoor blinds.

Outdoor Blinds

Outdoor Blinds are fantastic for sealing any outdoor space

At Global Shade, we’ve been distributing outdoor blinds for a number of years and understand that with so many different options available, it can be a difficult to decide which is best for your needs. In this article, I’ll go over some tips that can help you choose the right outdoor blinds for your home.

However before I do, let’s take a brief glance at the advantages of outdoor blinds, as these will go hand-in-hand with the things you need to know before making a buying decision.

Advantages of outdoor blinds

Outdoor blinds offer quite a number of advantages, but perhaps one that stands out the most is the protection they offer. The Australian landscape may be beautiful, but extreme sunlight and dust can wreak havoc on not only your skin, but also your furniture and anything inside placed outside the home. Outdoor blinds provide protection to shield you from harmful UV rays, dust and other debris that may be blown around by the wind.

Other than protection, outdoor blinds have great aesthetic value. Natural scenery may be the most desirable, but there are times when you need to sacrifice the scenery to be protected from the elements. Thankfully, this doesn’t mean that you need to sacrifice beauty as well because most outdoor blinds are available in clear PVC so you’re able to enjoy the natural scenery whilst being protected. They come in a variety of designs, shapes, and colours so you can choose the ones that are most pleasing to your eyes.

Another advantage of outdoor blinds that some people may not pay much attention to is versatility. You can use them practically anywhere you want. You can install them on your patio, balcony, gazebo or even an outdoor pool with a roof. When you’re done, simply roll them up and take them down for storage or fix them at another location.

Things about outdoor blinds that may affect a buying decision

Although it would be ideal, outdoor blinds are not made equally. Some have features that others don’t. When choosing blinds for your home, make sure that you consider the feature that you’ll need the most.

For instance, if you need the blinds to act as a shield from the sunlight more than dust or debris, you might not need to be too concerned about the thickness of the material as long as it’s capable of blocking sunlight. Some blinds can handle any type of weather. You might not be needing all-weather blinds if you only need them to block sunlight at certain times of the day. Another example is if you’re going to use the blinds mostly for aesthetic purposes, then you’ll focus on the design instead of other special features.

Like earlier mentioned, I’ve been distributing blinds for quite some time now, so if you’re searching for quality outdoor blinds that can best suit your needs, then visit us here at Global Shade or call 1 800 724 407.

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